Monday, January 26, 2009

Organi-zation Blues

Well I guess we are back up and running. Jen has been done with a little bug but she appears to be up and running again. So here is a little organization tip we whipped up from InkingIdaho's blog. It is an organizer box. It can house cards or maybe addresses of frequently visited blogs. Whatever tickles your fancy. Now take a look. Then give us a holler if you like it.


Snatertje said...

Great box, Love the colors too.

Take care Linda

Jen said...

Another Fantastic job Faye! I better get this posted before Linda gets to my blog to ask for it. LOL

THANK YOU!!! You're Awesome!

Marjorie said...

So happy you two are back up and running. What a team you both make. Love the papers you used.

Streeters said...

Beautiful Box! I just received the cut file from Jen and cut it all out--I can't wait to assemble it during nap time! Thanks for all the inspiration!

Tammy said...

You've done an amazing job with her .cut file. You two make a good team. Even when one of you is sick.

Tanya Isis Ayala said...

love it how can I get the cut.file

LEEANN said...

I love the colors on your box. (Of course the box is great too) Are you sharing the file??? I would love to have it if you are.