Thursday, March 21, 2013

When in doubt, Alter It

I love to get my hands on items that I can alter.  With Spring upon us, we now have an array of vibrant colors that we can create with.  This season may awakens in us some creativity that might have been dormant for a few months.  When I go "junking" around my city I look for items that I can change the appearance to make it more pleasing to the eyes.  I love to visit thrift stores and "junk" shops to find these items.  My project for this month is such an item.  This was just a wooden drawer-like shadow box that had dividers.  I started by taking the dividers out and rearranging them to create more space so that I could display items in a shelf-like manner.  Then of course, I layered on the paper and embellishments and topped it off with a picture of my beloved granddaughter.  What a sweet keepsake to display around your home. 

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